Game of Train

Game of Train is a multiplayer game combining strategy and theoretical knowledge on the subject of your choice. Virtual Rangers has developed this game to educate corporate staff on health and safety issues with a touch of fun and challenge.

How does Game of Train work? The players are separated into teams (from 2 to 12) which can themselves be made up of one or more players. At the start of the game, the teams choose a name for the train company they represent. The train carries freight cars which each have a point value and a percentage of accident risk. The paths between the stations are varied and also offer different point values ​​and a potential risk. The teams plan their strategy before starting and then start all at the same time, it’s a points race.

During the train journey, quizzes are triggered depending on the goods chosen, if the team responds well then the goods wagon is secure, otherwise the potential risk is calculated and applied to the wagon.

A 100% made in Luxembourg project

Made in Luxembourg
